
The Magic Hour

農曆新年The WALL將於1/23公休至1/30,1/31正式開工,請大家過年後記得要再來找我們玩喔!如果在地下街碰到魔術師阿芳,務必請阿芳露一手超棒的魔術特技(科科)。



MOGWAI, Taipei

photo by summer.

MOGWAI setlist 1/16 @TheWALL

FRIEND of the night
I KNOW YOU ARE but what am I?
I LOVE YOU, I want to blow up your school
HUNTED by a freak
mogwai fear SATAN
i'm JIM MORRISON, I'm dead
thanks you SPACE EXPERT
new paths to HELICON part 1
2 RIGHTS make 1 wrong

like HEROD




China Post專訪Mogwai吉他手Stuart Braithwaite

reporter Sean Scanlan
Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite

1) It's the tenth anniversary of "Young Team" which saw the release of the deluxe edition. What's it like re-visiting this album which introduced your music to many fans and created a whole generation of post-rock bands.

Stuart: It was quite strange as i hadn't listened to the record in a very long time. I was quite surprised how good it sounded though, especially as i remember we were disappointed in the record at the time.

2) For the "Hawk is Howling", you reunited with "Young Team" producer, Andy Miller. How did he contribute to the album? Was it a return to an earlier sound or something different. I love the heavy sound on "Batcat."

Stuart: We recorded with Andy for two reasons. !: because we enjoyed working with him on New Paths To Helicon and our old singles and 2: because we thought he has been doing great work recently with bands like De rosa who we like.

3) I read the unedited Pitchfork review posted on your website, and in hindsight, do you regret naming the first track of the album, "I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead"? I know you've made references to other rock icons in the past, such as an Iggy Pop interview on the song "Punk Rock."

Stuart: Well i'm sorry to tell you that that Pitchfork review was a joke! We don't have any regrets about that song title at all!

4) Your music demands a certain degree of attention from listeners. For example, I imagine most people listen to the "Hawk is Howling" in its entirety with album tracks complementing and building upon each other. Do you think of this when you are recording or is it something that just happens when you put the whole album together?

Stuart: Its something that we definitely consider when we are sequencing the songs but not while we are recording. I definitely think of an album as something that should be listed to in one sitting (or standing!).

5) Do you enjoy playing the new songs on tour, I've seen recent set lists and just about half of the show is new material. Is this pretty standard when you're on tour. And do you still get a kick out of old classics which the fans love?

Stuart: I have really enjoyed playing the songs from the new record especially Batcat and Thank You Space Expert. Its good to play old songs too though, we usually play a few songs from each record we've released.

6) Are you influenced by other bands and the new sounds they are creating. For instance, I heard that John Cummings recorded Fuck Buttons last album, Street Horrrsing, which is sort of mind blowing. Also, I've heard you are big fans of Japanese bands such as Mono and Envy.

Stuart: Of course we are influenced by new music. We have a record label Rock Action records and we put out new bands music al the time on our label. We release the Envy records in europe on our label.


MOGWAI 1/16考前題庫大公開!

時間好像一晃眼就過去,才剛送走Tahiti 80,轉眼間Mogwai又將到來,


"Mogwai Fear Satan"

"2 Rights Make 1 Wrong"

"New Paths to Helicon Pt1"

"Hunted By A Freak"

"I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead"

"Friend Of The Night"

"Christmas Steps"



"Scotland's Shame"


1/2 Tizzy Bac【如果看見地獄,我就不怕魔鬼】專輯搶聽首唱會

photo by summer.

Tizzy Bac新專輯《如果看見地獄,我就不怕魔鬼》將於2/13正式發行,還沒預購專輯的朋友,請趕快去預購吧!正視自已的苦痛與傷痕,就讓Tizzy Bac陪你渡過2009年的每一天!

MONO /Hymn to the Immortal Wind

距離"You Are There"已有三年的時間,Mono第五張專輯"Hymn to the Immortal Wind"即將在3月發行,1/1在official websitemyspace正式公佈了專輯資訊。

"Hymn to the Immortal Wind"故事圍繞著一個少年與少女,關於死亡,靈魂的不滅,悲傷漫長卻帶有微光。可以點進他們為新專輯製作的特別頁面,有故事intro,配上極具畫面感的背景音樂,感人至深,專輯會附上關於"Hymn to the Immortal Wind"共24頁的booklet,在myspace與官網都有新曲"Ashes in the Snow"完整試聽,如果你曾經被"Moonlight"的哀迴低愁所束縛,那麼"Ashes in the Snow"將帶你前往更深邃遼遠的世界。

12月初Mono結束錄音與後製工作,吉他手Taka告訴我,他對新專輯非常滿意, 這是他們經過五年不間斷的巡迴旅行後,空下一整年時間所全力完成的作品,在成軍十週年的同時發行,也代表著樂隊一個新的里程碑。

隨著"Hymn to the Immortal Wind"的發行準備,Mono公佈了第一波巡迴schedule,3/11初次公演在大阪、3/14在東京,接著展開一連串英國、德國、比利時、瑞典、法國、西班牙等地的演出,5/8在紐約的Society for Ethical Culture,將與23人的管弦樂團合作,舉辦僅此一場的十週年紀念音樂會。



Mogwai /我的夜晚之友

Mogwai @2004秋虎季,烏來


第一次接觸到後搖滾應該是在Vibe看了甜梅號的演出,那天是Vibe的最後一天營業,也是我第一次踏進Live House。當時的我瞬間就被這種沒有Vocal、充滿無限畫面感的音樂深深吸引,後來再接觸的團的就是Mogwai了,第一張擁有的專輯是《Come On, Die Young》。

2003年Mogwai第一次來台演出,我興沖沖地先跑去買了李鵠鳳梨酥,請擔任接待的朋友、在Mogwai下飛機時轉交給他們,聽說在往台北的路上就全部吃光了。後來在TheWALL見到面之後,朋友介紹我給他們認識,說我就是那個買鳳梨酥的女孩,這五個可愛的蘇格蘭大男生說:「Wow! You are pineapple pie girl!」接著都直接叫我"Pineapple Pie",完全忘了我的名字...



表演之前團員問我有哪些不錯的台灣團,我回答 :「Sugar Plum Ferry, Nipples...Do you want to see Nipples?」當時我只是想他們還記不記得在TheWALL幫他們暖場的Nipples,沒想到話才剛說完,坐我對面的Barry就噴飯了(真的是噴飯),大家爆笑成一團,Staurt則是曖昧地看著我說:「Oh, We all love nipples.」,啊這.....

團員裡最可愛的人是Barry,總是笑呵呵的,被我騙去別的舞台一起看八厘米天空表演,Staurt臉上總是掛著微笑,我永遠忘不了他在秋虎季的帳篷泡咖啡給我喝的可愛身影,鼓手Martin在中國餐館打過工,還在TheWALL的刺青店刺了一個小星星在手背,Dominic跟我說《Come On, Die Young》封面上的人臉就是他,年紀最大的John則是比較穩重安靜的人。



Dearest Mogwai,我們1月16日見!



謝謝慢燒機The CranesSorry Youth甜梅號在TheWALL跨年夜帶來的精采演出,以及小白特別繪製、送給現場觀眾的新年賀卡,還有2009年的第一個超大驚喜,甜梅號新歌初次發表!!!!!!!
