


來自日本的「嗜血屠夫」Bloodthirsty Butchers,一直都是奈良美智的愛團,忠實的Fans一定曾經注意過他為這樂團畫過幾張唱片封面,其中一張就是與這次演唱會中來自紐約的Plus Minus合作的互相致敬專輯,封面一樣是由奈良美智所繪,也因為這樣這些cd成為許多奈良迷的收藏品。

1987年成軍的Bloodthirsty Butchers,是日本極具代表性的獨立樂團。其中令人矚目的亦包含後來新加入的吉他手田淵,最廣為人知的是她亦曾是獨立天團number girl的吉他手,第一次來台灣的時候,迷人的神采帥氣十足,迷倒無數樂迷。

他們的音樂,如同奈良美智畫中純真的人心,也如同那股強烈的熱情,Bloodthirsty Butchers的音樂與奈良美智的畫,因此而十分搭調。


《跟著奈良美智去旅行》預告片,配樂即是Bloodthirsty Butchers的音樂

banging the drum,非常酷的漫畫mv,這首歌就是紀錄片中大量出現的音樂

非常酷的動畫mv,歌也非常好聽!Jack Nicolson

特別介紹田淵的影片,是Number girl時期,看了影片就會知道她彈起吉他有多瘋狂,比男人都帥的多。


Camera Obscura, We Love you!

上禮拜的Camera Obscura台北/高雄巡迴演出順利結束,很感謝每一位來到現場參與的觀眾朋友,相信在Lloyd, I'm Ready to be Heartbroken前奏響起的那一瞬間,你也跟我一樣幾乎要紅了眼眶。Camera Obscura的每一位團員都十分親切友善,雖然說看起來有點害羞据謹,但私底下都很可愛,Tracyanne跟Carey在表演結束後,還到小白兔唱片買了巴奈的專輯,她們都覺得巴奈的聲音好美好美。

這次跟Camera Obscura的合作十分愉快,我們要特別感謝隨行工作人員Stevie與David,他們非常非常專業與敬責,能與他們一起工作是相當榮幸且快樂的經驗,從中學習到了很多事情,真的非常感謝!

Camera Obscura預計在明年推出新專輯,若有機會再次參與他們表演的朋友,也請千萬不要錯過喔!


Pop music not just for underachievers

CAMERA OBSCURA in Taipei Times

Scottish band Camera Obscura plays in Taipei and Kaohsiung this weekend. The group’s lead singer and songwriter Tracyanne Campbell spoke with the ‘Taipei Times’ about the band’s upcoming album, John Peel and songwriting
By David Chen
Friday, Oct 24, 2008

With Camera Obscura’s intro-spective, bittersweet lyrics and dreamy, echo-drenched pop orchestration, it’s tempting to call the band’s music “indie-pop.” But lead singer and songwriter Tracyanne Campbell will have none of it.

“I think that’s its such an old-fashioned, pointless term … we’re more ambitious than that, you know?” she said on the telephone from Glasgow in an interview earlier this month.

“We want to aspire, we don’t want to play out of time on a tune ... We’re actually trying to be good, and I think we’ve suffered a bit from people thinking that we’re sort of underachievers ... but that’s not us.”

Camera Obscura, which plays at The Wall (這牆) in Taipei tomorrow, has a few good reasons to aim higher. The Scottish sextet made a splash in the independent music scene with its 2003 release Underachievers Please Try Harder, while the group’s latest album, Let’s Get Out of This Country, has been praised as the band’s best work and led to extensive tours of North America and Europe.

Through their Web site and MySpace page, the members of Camera Obscura realized they had a following in Asia, which in part encouraged the group to make the trip. “We get a lot of e-mails from people in that part of the world ... it’s amazing. We’re like, [what’s this] all about? It’s really a nice feeling,” said Campbell. The group will also play at ATT in Kaohsiung on Sunday before heading to Singapore next week.

This weekend, fans will likely hear Campbell’s angelic soprano on several new songs from the band, which spent the first half of this year working on a fourth album, due out next year. She spoke enthusiastically about the new release: the band teamed up again with Swedish musician Jari Haapalainen, who produced Let’s Get Out of This Country, and recorded at Atlantis Studios in Stockholm, which is where ABBA produced many of its memorable hits.

More importantly, the upcoming album is yet another step up for the band. “Camera Obscura’s never going to make an album that’s going to shock the world, but I think it’s a bit more sophisticated than our previous attempts at making records ... I think fans of [our last two albums] will like it,” she said.

The band originally attracted a following through its association with fellow Glaswegian band Belle and Sebastian, whose baroque, retro-pop sound rubbed off on Camera Obscura. The two groups even shared a drummer for a period of time.

But Camera Obscura also received an important boost from renowned British DJ and alternative music champion John Peel, whose program on BBC’s Radio 1 helped the band gain wider recognition in the UK. The band played at the broadcaster’s home on several occasions, including his birthday party shortly before he died in 2004.

Peel’s support and sincerity gave the band confidence. “I think he could see something in us that other people didn’t really have the patience to see … he was really a lovely guy, and I know it sounds cliche, but he was really down-to-earth. There were no reservations — he certainly never made us feel like he was doing us a favor … he just liked the music, simple as that, really.”

Campbell, who founded the band in 1996 with bassist Gavin Dunbar, hesitates to list definitive influences in their music “because you’re influenced by different people from different artists on a weekly basis.”

She acknowledges the Velvet Underground as a past inspiration, but says the band has moved on. “I guess when you’re young and you’re that age you want to be in a rock and roll band and you want things to be very cool, and have fantastic guitars and brilliant haircuts and things like that … I mean, I am influenced by the Velvet Underground and I love the band, but there’s so much more to being in a group than just trying to imitate another band.”

The 34-year-old says nowadays she identifies more with music from her childhood, “people like my Gran used to listen to”: American pop and country singers from the 1960s like Skeeter Davis, Connie Francis and Sandy Posey.

As with these singers, many of Campbell’s songs revolve around heartbreak. In discussing her songwriting, she says the lyrics usually come first. “I tend to write things down … if something’s going on in my life, and I just want to write it down, it helps. I guess it’s a sort of therapeutic thing — those words, those lines and those paragraphs usually end up in a song … I don’t sit down with a melody and go ‘let’s come up with some words,’ I just write about how I feel.”

But for all the melancholy and self-deprecating musings in the music, Campbell is upbeat about the band’s future, and hopeful its members can quit their day jobs.

“[People think] that we’re probably loaded and don’t need to work but we do, and we’re hoping that this year will give us a chance for us to go full-time. You know we’re nearly there and I hope that we’ll get there this year, and I think we will.”

So if not indie-pop, how does Campbell describe her music to a general audience? “I hate this question,” she groaned. She’s sick of answering it. OK, then how would she describe it her grandmother?

“I’d say that she would really like it because it’s quite old-fashioned in a way, and it’s not to be played too loud and it’s not too noisy, and you can hear the words, hopefully — there’s a clarity to it. It’s tuneful, it’s melodic … um, yeah, something like that,” she said in a confident tone.

Yo La Tengo

想必大家都還沉浸在上禮拜Yo La Tengo的美好回憶之中,
以下是Yo La Tengo兩日在The Wall的演出歌序,分享給大家!

Setlist Oct. 15 2008 @ TheWALL Live House

Our Way to Fall
I Heard You Looking
Stockholm Syndrome
The Weakest Part
Beanbag Chair
Mr. Tough
I Feel Like Going Home
Styles of the Times
Autumn Sweater
Big Day Coming
The Story of Yo La Tango

Drug Test
Deeper into Movies

Setlist Oct. 16 2008 @ The Wall Live House

Evanescent Psychic Pez Drop
I Shouldve Known Better
Pass the Hatchet
Tears Are in Your Eyes
Season of the Shark
The Weakest Part
Mr. Tough
Nowhere Near
From the Motel 6
Tom Countenay
Blue Line Swinger

You Can Have It All
Nuclear War
I Found a Reason



衷心感謝FLAT Club假文藝青年俱樂部所致贈的高級西班牙玫瑰護手霜,人手一條,香噴噴!